Heru Widodo Lawfirm
Advocates & Legal ConsultantsARVA Cikini Building 4th Floor
Jl. Cikini Raya No. 60 FGMN Menteng
Jakarta 10330 - Indonesia
Phone : (+6221) 3905930; 33610666
Fax. : (+6221) 3905930
Web : www.klikhwl.com
e-mail : herugmls90@gmail.com, heruhwl@gmail.com, dhimasprada@gmail.com, swaris9@gmail.com, adisupriyadi@gmail.com
Practice Area :
- Litigation
- Land and Property
- Intellectual Property
- Competition and Antitrust
- Restructuring and Bankruptcy
- Contruction and Infrastructure
- Domestic and Foreign Investments
- Labour Law or Industrial Relation Disputes
- General Corporate, Merger and Acquisition